Everyone loves their yard, and when you have a beautiful yard to show off, the last thing you want to worry about is dealing with stickers. For one, they are incredibly painful, and while you might wear shoes, your pets don’t. If you have kids playing on the lawn, stickers can cause worry parents can avoid.
Today, we will discuss how to get rid of stickers in a cost-effective manner. Remember, stickers are not poisonous, so you can remove them yourself.
While most Kansans call this type of weed a sticker, they are referred to by many different names in different areas. Some of the commonly referred to terms are:
·Lawn burrs
·Burr weed
·Stickers burrs
·Grass burrs
The “sticker” part of this weed is the seed, which spreads by attaching to people or animals. The plant part of this weed is just a grassy weed itself.
One of the easiest ways to avoid getting grass burrs in your yard is simply by keeping your yard healthy and the grass strong. Thick and lush lawns prevent the spread of burrs naturally, thus halting weed growth.
Sticker weeds also don’t fare well in wet conditions, which is one of the reasons it does so well in the Kansas climate. Yards that are watered frequently are less likely to experience sticker infestations.
There are a few ways to get rid of burr weed infestations. However, these tend to take time and manual labor. If you are looking for a quick fix to your infestation problem, give us a call today.
The first method to getting rid of a lawn burr infestation is a temporary solution that isn’t guaranteed to rid your yard for years to come. However, if you have a pair of protective gardening gloves, you can start by pulling out the weeds.
Grab the weed at the base of the plant and pull upwards, ensuring to have pulled the root out too. Have a trash bag beside you and put the plant directly into the trash to minimize the seeds from spreading.
With this method, you will likely have the same problem the following year because the seeds have already spread.
This method is more difficult because most pesticides that are available to homeowners won’t work on sandburrs. That limits the variety of options in choosing a pesticide that will take care of the problem but still be suitable for your property.
Image Kills Nutsedge is a good option that is readily available and is geared towards killing difficult weeds like lawn burrs. When applying the pesticide, follow the package instructions to decrease the damage to your lawn.
You can also use a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent the emergence of burr weeds. When using a pre-emergent, the most important thing is timing. If you are on one of
our lawn maintenance plans, we apply pre-emergent to your yard for you.
If you are doing this yourself, you will need to apply two applications, one to get rid of most of the weeds and another to catch any that survived. The first application should come before the last major freeze in your area, and the second application should come 90 days later. The second application is crucial to ensure that no weeds germinate.
The seriousness of the infestation should influence the method you choose. Are the lawn burrs covering your entire property, or do you only see a few?
Light infestations can usually be eliminated with proper upkeep. You should take the time to remove all the stickers using the first method and then start a regular watering routine to keep any more from growing. After a few weeks of consistent watering, any leftover seeds should be unfit to grow.
You will probably need to apply chemicals to the yard for large infestations. While this has a higher chance of damaging your yard, you must get rid of the problem before you focus on growing your yard back. Chemicals are not eco-friendly, so only use this method for large infestations and do it correctly to eliminate the need for multiple applications.
If you are ready to get rid of lawn burrs in your yard without the hassle of spending hours pulling out weeds,
call us today to enroll in one of our
lawn maintenance plans, starting at just $31. Our plan includes everything that keeps your lawn healthy and has an option for every yard.