The Complete Guide to Lawn Fertilization
April 29, 2022

How to Fertilize Your Lawn Properly:

Fertilizing your lawn is an essential step in ensuring that you have healthy green grass. When your lawn “wakes up” after winter, it will need nutrients, and fertilizer feeds your yard those nutrients. Fertilizer is your lawn’s equivalent of coffee; it needs fertilizer to start the season off well. This guide will give you tips for fertilizing your lawn, like when to fertilize, what you should look for in a fertilizer, and how many applications you should use to get healthy grass.

When Should You Fertilize?

Most homeowners apply fertilization too early in the growing season, causing the grass to focus on leaf development instead of root development. Therefore, you should try to apply for your first application in the late spring. Cool-season grasses naturally enter a growth cycle in the spring, and the grass blades will dedicate their energy towards building (and storing) carbohydrates (energy). To maximize the effects of your application, you should wait until the roots have developed and focus then on preparing the grass for summer.


What to Look for in a Fertilizer:

There are many options at your local lawn care store and you can choose between an organic or non-organic fertilizing method. Organic fertilization can be done using a mulching mower that collects, decimates, and disperses the grass clippings back onto the lawn, where it breaks down and emits nitrogen back into your yard. You can also find commercial options labeled as organic, but they typically have less of the essential nutrients that your lawn needs. 

Non-organic fertilization is easier to come by, but there are some things you need to keep in mind when choosing the right one for your lawn. These typically have a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Each package will have the NPK percentage printed on the label. For example, a label that says 16-4-8 will contain 16% of nitrogen, 4% phosphorus, and 8% potassium. 

The most common commercial formulas are 16-4-8, 10-10-10, or 10-0-15. Different grass types do best with specific combinations, so consult an expert for recommendations based on your grass type. You should consider a slow-release formula with a 3-1-2 ratio (ex. 12-4-8) for fescue grass. Bermuda should be high in nitrogen, contains low or no phosphorus, and can include a small amount of potassium (ex. 16-0-8).

Granules or Spray?

A spray may seem like the best option because that is what professionals typically use. However, you need special equipment like a tanker truck to accurately and evenly distribute the formula. So homeowners should use granules that can be easier to apply using a lawn spreader like a broadcast spreader or a drop spreader.

You can hire a local lawn company to do professional fertilizing for the best coverage. Our Lawn Care Experts can take care of your fertilizing needs throughout the year. Stop wasting money by buying too much or using the wrong formula. Leave it to our experts by signing up for one of our lawn maintenance plans starting at just $31

Call us today at (620)441-8570 to get started.

How Much Should You Use?

Over-applying is incredibly common when it comes to homeowners fertilizing their yards. This mistake can be costly both by wasting money and burning and killing your grass. The best advice we can give is to underdo it rather than overdo it. Each manufacturer will have a recommended application rate, but you should go with a half to one-third of the recommended rate. 

Instead of leaving your spreader valve wide open, leave it half or just under halfway open. Using half the application rate will also allow you to make two passes ensuring better coverage. On the first pass, work in one direction and then switch to a perpendicular pattern to reach maximum coverage. Always err on the side of too little rather than too much to ensure you don’t damage your grass.

Fertilizing Your Lawn

How Many Applications Does Your Lawn Need?

The number of applications will depend on your watering habits and the weather in your area. If you have a sprinkler system, you will need to fertilize more often. It would be best if you plan on applying between 4 and 6 treatments to your yard.


The typical yard will need fertilizing every six weeks, but if you have a sprinkler system, you will need to fertilize more- every four weeks. Fertilization applications should start in April and end in October. You should consult an expert to see how often you should fertilize your lawn based on your geographical location, weather patterns, and watering habits. 

The most important thing about fertilizing your lawn is to have a plan:

  • Do your research and find out what formula works best with your grass type.
  • Buy the proper materials and equipment.
  • Don’t overapply

If you are looking for experts to take care of fertilizing your lawn without you having to waste money or energy, give us a call at (620) 441-8570.

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