How Can I Get Rid of Crabgrass and Other Weeds?
David Boxman • March 2, 2021
Does my lawn need pre-emergent?

If you want a weed-free lawn this season, yes, you need pre-emergent. It’s your best line of defense especially against crabgrass. Pre-emergent creates a barrier on the ground to keep plants from germinating. It’s important for your fertilization program to include a pre-emergent. 

When is the best time to apply pre-emergent?

March is the best time to start your applications and is the time to apply pre-emergent for crabgrass. You can apply multiple times through the year to hit key intervals for other weeds just be sure not to over apply and go over the labeled rates on the herbicide products.

Will it hurt my grass and plants?

The beauty of pre-emergent is that it is not a contact killer, so it is safe to use around live vegetation. It is safe to spray near live flowers and bushes and you don’t have to worry about overspray.

Pre-emergent prevents plants from germinating and growing in, and that includes seeds you do want to grow. For example, you cannot put pre-emergent down and then overseed Fescue grass. The same goes for flower beds when planting from seed.

Will it kill the weeds already growing in my lawn?

Pre-emergent is not a contact killer, so it stops new weeds from germinating, but it won’t kill the weeds already growing. You will have to add a broadleaf herbicide into your spray mix or spray it in addition. If you add a broadleaf/post emergent herbicide, it can and will hurt other vegetation on your property such as flowers and bushes.

Can I do it myself?

Home improvement stores do carry pre-emergent that you can mix and apply yourself at home, but there are some things you should consider before trying it yourself. Putting down too much pre-emergent can harm your lawn in the future because it makes weeds resistant to it. If you put down too little, the same thing can happen because the weeds mutate. The product label specifies exactly how to mix, apply, and has directions for use. Applying these products against label recommendations is against the law.

Consider hiring a professional. They know how much to apply. Be aware it’s also dangerous to mix chemicals if you don’t know what you are doing. Spray techs at Boxman Lawn Services are educated and certified.

Is it dangerous for my pets or family?

The spray is safe once it’s down and dry. It can be toxic while mixing and applying. You will need proper safety equipment like gloves, rubber boots, good pants and a long sleeve shirt and eye-protection. Always read the product label as it will have all the information for how to stay safe.

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