How To Eliminate Dandelions
David Boxman • April 27, 2021

How to Eliminate Dandelions in Your Lawn

Dandelions can present an unpleasant view in an otherwise thick and beautiful lawn. Most people find them frustrating because they may “seed out” and cause the lawn to look rough and unkept even a day after being mowed, not to mention they don’t always mow off cleanly. 

Besides causing mowing difficulty, dandelions compete with nutrients that are vital to growing your healthy lawn and desired grass.

While mowing frequently to keep the dandelions from seeding can help, a broadleaf herbicide is your best bet for controlling and eliminating these weeds from your lawn. The most common spray that is used is a 2,4-D herbicide formulation. You can obtain this type of weed killer from your local lawn and garden store.

You can determine if a product is 2,4-D by looking at the label on the product bottle. Also read the label to ensure the product is labeled for use on your lawn and labeled to control dandelion and other weeds you are targeting. A 2,4-D type weed killer or other broadleaf herbicide will also  kill other broadleaf weeds. Just be careful as it can kill desired plants if you spray off target such as bushes and flowers. 

When sprayed in the early spring or the fall, 2,4-D is an effective measure of control. Just make sure to read the label before spraying to make sure you use the correct amount of spray and correct mix! 

Here at Boxman Lawn Service, all of our Fertilization/Weed Control plans control and eliminate these weeds plus many others. Our programs use 2,4-D as well as pre-emergent. Our goal is to kill them in their most susceptible stages and prevent them so that they don’t have a chance to mature and multiply.

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