What Type of Grass Do I Have?
David Boxman • February 2, 2021

Identify the grass in your lawn

In the Wichita Kansas area as well as other parts of Kansas, there are multiple species of grass. All types of grasses have their pros and their cons. Different varieties have their own special properties that make them better suited for different lawns and applications.
I could write for hours describing how each variety of grass looks and what it may be best suited for and where it should be planted. To keep this brief and to the point, I am going to describe and show a couple of pictures that may help you identify your lawn’s grass type. 

We are narrowing it down to the two most common. Fescue and Bermuda.
Knowing your grass type is important for knowing how to maintain it. 
This allows you to properly care for it in these categories.

1. Fertilizing
2. Weed control
3. Mowing 
4. Aeration

Two Most Common Grass Types in Kansas

Fescue and Bermuda

Fescue greens up in March and stays green usually until December. It may turn slightly brown in the middle of the hot summer due to stress. The blades are wider than Bermuda (not all fescues are wide blade) and grows more in clumps.

Bermudagrass is a warm season grass that will go dormant and turn completely brown in the winter time. Bermuda will actually grow back from the roots in the spring. It is more sensitive to the cold that tall Fescue. Bermuda will typically start growing and turning green in April and lasts until a freeze in October. You can also Identify Bermuda because it will grow horizontally with long chutes in thin areas or along curbing and pavement.

If you still aren’t sure, you may have another variety of grass called Zoysia or another type of Fescue.



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