When Should I Apply Pre-Emergent?
David Boxman • February 2, 2021

Get Ahead of Weeds and Crabgrass

Fertilizing and weed control are some of the most important aspects to a thriving lawn. Today, our focus is on weed control and what a pre-emergent is, and when to apply it for a better lawn.

Pre-emergent is a type of herbicide that controls weeds by preventing their germination. We commonly refer to pre-emergent herbicides as crabgrass preventer. This is because a spring time treatment to the lawn at the correct time, eliminates the majority of crabgrass for that season. Pre (meaning before) is exactly what it sounds like. You want to apply pre-emergent products BEFORE the weeds are present.

Short answer:  If you’re looking to minimize weeds and crabgrass in Kansas, apply it to your lawn between the last week in February and the 15th of March for best results.  Remember to water after applying if it doesn't rain.

I will have other posts describing how to find your own pre-emergent products at the local lawn and garden store and how to know if it is the right product for you.

Crabgrass germinates when the soil warms to above a certain temperature which will vary year to year. It is important to have the pre-emergent applied and activated in the ground by this time for best results. The time frame I gave is recommended as this ensures it is down in time to work. Pre-emergent has to be watered in or rain has to push it into the soil to activate it. So, after it is applied, it won’t actually do its job until watered into the top layer of soil.

Just because you don’t see the weeds, doesn’t mean you don’t need a pre-emergent. Applying a pre-emergent is one of the crucial elements to a better lawn.

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